Police are one of the most powerful institutions in our society. But this system is designed to fail us. Time and time again we hear stories from individuals and families impacted by police violence. They experience violations of their rights, and have difficulty getting justice afterwards.
This is a time of reckoning for criminalizing systems.
We must question the power of police. We must drastically and immediately reduce the scope and scale of policing and all criminalizing institutions.
We’re a small organization, but we want to have a big impact. You can join us as we challenge these institutions.
Make a donation and join us in demanding real change.
Note: To donate by credit card, fill out the form below. If you prefer to pay through PayPal, we accept PayPal donations through our Canada Helps page, which you can find here.
To make a donation via cheque, please make your cheque payable to the BC Civil Liberties Association and mail it to us at 306 – 268 Keefer Street, Vancouver, BC V6A 1X5.
If you would like to sign up as a member, click here.
All donations made to the BC Civil Liberties Association are tax-deductible.